Welcome to our Special Service for Maundy Thursday - 14 April 2022
We will start our broadcast at 18:45 and the service will begin at 19:00
Tonight's service will include a commemoration of the Last Supper by the breaking of bread and sharing of wine, but this will not be Communion Service and no words of consecration will be said. It will also include our customary Thursday night prayers for Healing.
We will also be symbolically washing feet, as Jesus did for His disciples, by applying a small amount of hand-wash either to our own hand or to that of a companion.
If you wish to join us as we commemorate the Last Supper please have a small piece of bread and a small glass of wine (or fruit juice) to hand. If you would like to take part in the symbolic washing of feet, please have a quantity of hand-wash nearby.
All the words of the service will appear on-screen. By tradition, one leaves a place a worship in reflective silence after the Maundy Thursday worship, so there will be no Virtual Coffee Bar after our service this evening